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Keep in mind, your net worth is determined by your network. In most cases, it is about the people you know. Honestly speaking, the music industry isn’t exempted to this.

Among your primary goals therefore is establishing connection in your music scenes and local community. You may first network in your school, city and neighborhood by familiarizing various music venues and creating relationships with local artists and other folks involved in music.

You may view this too as a way of building local support group in keeping your motivation high.

How it should be Done?

This is something that has to be done both in person and online. The internet is not the only place where you could find and connect to fans. There are tons of networking opportunities but you have to know how you can approach it. Do not just release music and ask people to listen to it.

Strategic Marketing

Rather, look for communities that are relevant to your interests as they’re the one who will likely support you. Besides, this is also where artists similar like you flocks. Thus, it boosts your chances of meeting other artists and the possibility to collaborate with them and the people they know.
